Friday 26 October 2012

Chapter 7: WOW

After school, Belinda and I went to her house. She has a big and nice house, and I'm not jealous. Seriously, I'm not, or maybe. We greeted Belinda's mum and we went to her room. Her room was FABULOUS. She has a walk in closet which is full of handbags and beautiful dresses. She gave me one of her handbags and dress. I looked at her with those eyes and she said : " Hey Loser, I know you are happy but don't look at me with those eyes, every guest that comes and do projects with me gets something." "Well, thank you" I said.

We chat and talk about how me met and all stuff. Actually, Belinda was my best friend last time, until she joined the gang , she left me and Ginny alone. " Eww, do you realize that you look so awful with anything. I don't think anything is nice on you. You rather wear your birthday suit." she said meanly. I was shocked,  Belinda change in a blink of an eye,  maybe I'm wrong. " Blink...... " It was her  cell phone. " Hello Mabel. Oh, I'm at home with that Lamo. I have no choice. She looks so ugly.... IKR?! Come over to my house now." She said. We find some things and started making Chocolate Truffles as our assignment. " Ding Dong....." Her bell rang.  It's Mabel and the gang. " Hey look! It's Miss Lamo!" Mabel said. The gang laugh. Opps, I forgot to tell you, they're gang's name is call The Fabs. " I think I better go , since the food is done...." I told Belinda. " No, wait, you haven't do a makeover yet, please stay." Belinda said. The Fabs looked at her. " Just give me a moment." She told me. She went over and whisper to the gang. Then, they laugh loudly. " Come on, let's go!" The Fabs pulled me to her room.

WOW! A makeover, seriously, they can't be good. Maybe they are good, I just mistaken them.

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